Lu dans le revue de presse de ebusiness info : "Exemple amusant à l'appui, ce long article explique que les marchands devraient s'intéresser au potentiel de la vidéo pour faire passer leurs messages. Si les vidéos humoristiques viennent immédiatement à l'esprit, il ne faut pas laisser de côté le potentiel de la vidéo dans les démonstrations produit. D'autant que les prix ne sont pas si élevés si on ne vise pas la superproduction"
De bons exemples avec différents sites aux US qui franchissent le pas du téléachat sur l’internet, avec une volonté clairement affichée de construire du « lien » avec leurs clients…
- Source : Internet Retailer (30 janvier 2007)
Quelques extraits :
Some retailers have begun investing in online video, a few even starting their own online “TV channels.” But when it comes to creating basic, attractive display or demonstration videos, the price is surprisingly small, experts attest. Beyond content creation, ensuring an e-commerce site has technology that can display video—Flash, for example—and the bandwidth to ensure a good site experience for shoppers/viewers is a must. Many retailers, however, already have these in place, the experts add.
“The Internet by its nature creates barriers between shoppers and products. Online video enables us to remove barriers,” Gniwisch says. “Shoppers can see what it looks like on people, what to wear with it—web pages get a life of their own instead of just presenting a more static view.”
Online video is huge :Time is not an obstacle at, where using online video to draw visitors is a strategic priority. is two entities: one for shopping, and one for providing fitness information, guidance and resources in various formats, from text to images to podcasts to videos. The e-retailer has more than 400 regular content contributors, about 98% of whom, the company estimates, submit materials in a variety of formats for free. It pays a few contributors for videos, but they are among the top trainers and bodybuilders, CEO DeLuca says