Les américains l’appellent la “tech bulle 2.0”. Un article décrit l’état des lieux sur la situation actuelle dans la “silicone valley” sur la croissance depuis quelques années des deals de cessions mais aussi de première cotation en bourse.
Mais le plus éclairant est ce dessin extrait de bloomberg; si l’histoire se répète le crack est prévu pour la mars 2014… ca nous laisse quelques mois.
"The valuations are very high and discount too much risk. Too much late-stage money is flowing in -- and much of it from other dotcoms, which have lots of their own investment money coming in, so it's circular." The exuberance reminds him of a time not so long ago -- barely a decade -- when the dotcoms and the stock market and the Valley came crashing down. On March 31, 2000, the Nasdaq (COMP) peaked at 5132. At 2800 or so, it's still barely half that now. Nonetheless, warns the VC, "the analogies to the last bubble are unavoidable." (For such analogies, see charts below.)