Facebook Will Probably Be More Profitable Than Amazon This Year
In the first six months of 2011 Facebook had $1.6 billion in revenue and about $800 million in operating income, says a source I trust a lot. That revenue number has been reported before. And the 50% profit margin is in line with last year’s $2 billion in revenue and $1 billion in operating income.
With Facebook growing revenue and profit by more than 50% every six months, it won’t be surprising if they hit something close to $2 billion in operating income for the year.
To put that in perspective, realize this – Facebook will likely be more profitable than Amazon this year. On a quarterly basis they’re already there. Amazon had $191 million operating income in Q2 and $322 million in Q1 (financials here). That’s $513 million v. Facebook’s $800 million for the first half of the year.
via uncrunched.com
Voilà qui donne à réfléchir.
On peut appeler ça une planche à billet. Alors que Amazon va vers ces 30 milliards d'euros de CA, on voit bien la puissance d'une marque et d'une "plateforme" qui entraine avec elle l'adhésion de tout un ecosysteme de partenaires. C'est aussi ça la valeur de Facebook. Je comprends toujours pas comment Microsoft a pu louper cette opportunité. Bon ils sont actionnaires, ce qui n'est pas donné à tout le monde.